

Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.                              Bob Dylan


How Quickly We Dance

I know that it has only been a day or two since I wrapped Christmas presents, tucked my daughter into bed at night, or made mashed bananas and pureed carrots for her meals. And yet, I woke up today and it's May 2011 and she has finished her last day of high school and *gulp* she's leaving me for college.

The months since I blogged last have been full. During my free time I have been pushing down the monster that wants to live in my head and remind me of how quiet my evenings will be without her. My aunt told me how unfair it is that you finally get your kids to be just the way you like them and then they leave you.

Pictured below are some of the things that have kept me busy the last few months

My dearest parents celebrated 50 years of marital bliss. Aren't they lucky. Romance lives

This was a family portrait for Audre of Illinois, whose generous heart and beautiful spirit created this extended family

Celebrating Nina's 18th birthday on Easter Sunday

Senior Prom. There was a day when she screamed at the sight of puffed sleeves. Riding pants were her "party clothes" Baseball caps were part of her daily uniform and her closet was full of punk and metal t-shirts.

This was created for Heidi from San Francisco. An energetic mom who loves and wholeheartedly supports her daughter's business venture. You should visit Chelsea's online shop, Ambry Lane, Especially if you have teen girls that want to express their style.

This for Jess's mom, a Mother's Day gift.

And in just 4 days and counting....graduation day....**waaahhh**
